
Let's Explore

Years ago when I started learning photography I would give myself little challenges to help me improve.  We all know the best way to improve your skills is to just shoot.  The more you shoot and play with your camera the more you learn. 

I would join Flickr groups that had weekly challenges.  One of my favorites was Macro Mondays.  They would give you a prompt like junk drawer and you would photograph things in your junk drawer.  It was crazy fun and a little crazy.

With all these groups and prompts I still needed more so I started this thing where I would explore an item, grouping, or place with my camera.  I would try different angles, lighting, and settings.  I try to use different lenses and keep the same one on for the whole exercise.  I shoot a lot but only edit up to ten pictures.  Sometimes I get a really nice shot and pull it aside to put in my Etsy shop. 

So, I am in need of some inspiration and I really need to work on my photography skills.  I am starting a Let's Explore day on my blog.  If you want to play along and share you are welcome to.  I would to see other explorations. 

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