
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

the ranch

 My sister in law's home where we stayed.
There were a couple of these cute little bridges throughout the property.
I loved walking across them or I would just watch the water flow underneath them.  It was all so very serene.

The ranch cat....I can't remember her name.  We mostly just called her kitty.  She hated people...most of them anyway.  She would snuggle my legs when I was working on something but ignored me most other times.

 The horses were fun to watch in the evenings.  They came close in the morning and ran in the evenings. 

I'm obsessed with inspiration boards.  I love to see what inspires others.  It is always so different.  This one is Tricia's.  I loved it.
Tricia never does anything half way.  They had a little open house for me at an adorable little shop called Jane & Main.  Tricia made gourmet rice crispy treats for the occasion.  (Oreo, Neapolitan, and Oh Henry)  I tell her that she is Martha Stewart on steroids.

Oops I almost forgot about Larry.  He was a naughty bull on a Ranch that bordered the Eardley Ranch.  He was so entertaining.  He had such personality I could spot him a mile away.  I decided he deserved a name, a name like Larry.  Gotta love that Larry!

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